Morning Practice Part 1 - Waiting

 Alarm rings

5 am

Tumble out of bed.

Ready in a flash.

Into the car

And off we go.

Black sky,

Still lake,

Early morning chill.

Cars arriving.

Doors slamming.

Momentary silence.

Fast feet,

Voices buzzing,

Hill run,

Warm up.

Traffic humming on the highway.

Black sky slowly lifting.

Orange glow above the mountain.


A lone bird calls,

Another answers,

Soon it fills the air.

What's that movement?

A waddling of ducks that move as one.

Searching for their breakfast.

Large wings spread.

A lone heron lands.


And I am peacefully waiting. 


  1. Your short phrases and clear observations are wonderful in how they set your scene. You use multiple senses, and somehow the quiet, then the car doors slamming, buzz of voices, then quiet again really took me there. And how the orange glow arrives slowly from the dark, and the bird song increases, until you can see them. I really love this poem.

    1. Thank you! I hope you read Part 2 and have the same feeling.


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